Saying The Wrong Thing


I seem to have this horrible habit of saying the wrong thing at the right time…

Like the other day is a perfect example.

Being asked why I miss someone…

I give an honest answer (which was a pretty obvious answer at that) and now I feel like I did something horrible,

I’m sure it will all pass soon.

Time to get some work done on my site…

I’ve been a Twitter whore all day lol.


Soda With ACTUAL Sugar?


Original post @ [See Here—>SOCIALVIBE]

For decades now, we’ve been obsessed with low-fat, non-fat, half-fat, sugar-free- whatever it takes to get our sweet fix and spare our waistlines. But what we’re losing in fat, we’re making up for in chemicals, like the reportedly cancer-causing artificial sweeteners and high fructose corn syrup.

Many nutritionists agree, the best resolution is to give up the fizzy stuff cold turkey. But let’s face it: that’s not gonna happen anytime soon. We are a nation of soda drinkers. Pepsi is taking one step that might reduce our chances of long-term illness from chemical-laden beverages though, and introducing Throwback, a version of popular sodas that are made with – get this: real, actual sugar.

For now, you’ll only be able to experience the soda flashback with Mountain Dew and Pepsi, but we’re sure they’ll introduce more variety if they prove to be popular.

One consumer described the natural-sugar experience:

    The first thing I noticed was how smooth the carbonated soda went down. It’s not nearly as harsh as the standard type and I’m sure peeps who aren’t avid Mountain Dew drinkers will appreciate the difference.Also, the aftertaste. It’s more natural and clean. Hell, even my burps taste different. I LOVE IT.”

A New Project?


I have decided to work on a fun new project to keep my creative juices flowing…

I (as part of SINN Productions) am going to begin putting together an E-Comic.

I have had many many ideas lately and have been in a rather good mood for drawing…so good things can come of this.

I will begin work on characters this week…and post my work.

I hope to get some good feedback with this new venture of mine, and hop it can be the begining of something very very good for myself as well as my company.
